
The Modern Firm® playbook

In this session, we’ll dive into The Modern Firm playbook—a comprehensive guide to building and managing a thriving firm in the modern era. Join Rightworks Academy member coach Tiffany Caponigro as she covers how to adapt to changing market dynamics, embrace innovation and drive sustainable growth by implementing the four smart pillars of The Modern Firm playbook.

The Modern Firm


Modern firm playbook

In this webinar:

Is your firm ready to redefine success in the modern age? Join Rightworks Academy member coach Tiffany Caponigro as she covers the four smart pillars of The Modern Firm playbook: Smart Team Management, Smart Firm Management, Smart Client Management and Smart Security Management. Learn how to: 

  • Use The Modern Firm playbook to build and manage a thriving modern firm. 
  • Reframe existing pain points as opportunities for firm improvement. 
  • Adapt to changing market dynamics, embrace innovation and drive sustainable growth. 

Presenter: Tiffany CaponigroMember Coach, Rightworks Academy