It’s easy to become an advocate…and even easier to start referring

Unlock savings when referring OneSpace Firm to friends and peers at other firms today by clicking the button below.

Refer more, save more

Advance to higher levels and increase your savings based on the number of qualified referrals1 you make within the same calendar year. Terms and conditions apply.


1 A qualified referral earns you a one-time savings credit.

2 OneSpace Firm referrals have a minimum of 10 users per firm. Firms with less than 10 users will not qualify as a referral.

Firm size Advocate savings Referred firm’s discount
10-20 users 2 $500 $250
21-49 users $1,000 $500
50+ users $2,000 $1,000

Program savings accelerators are based on the volume of referrals within the calendar year

Level Advocate Premier Advocate Raving Fan
Referral volume 1-3 4-9 10+
Savings accelerator 0 150% 200%
Program savings accelerators are based on the volume of referrals within the calendar year

Frequently asked questions

For more information, check out the quickstart guide. To learn even more, review the full reference guide for the Customer Advocates Program.