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As businesses want to move more of their operations to the cloud, accounting professionals make frequent requests looking for help to migrate from QuickBooks Desktop to QuickBooks Online. Because Intuit…

Paying commissions or splitting gross profits based on work effort is a common need that isn’t addressed very well in QuickBooks. Transaction Pro Exporter allows me to pick columns and…

In this month’s blog, we will be discussing how to export data and related filters. We get a lot of inquiries about how to move data from one QuickBooks file…

When you use the right tools in your business, you can save significant time, which leads to money savings. When that happens, you have more time to focus on what…

When you need to import a file into QuickBooks using Transaction Pro there are two ways it can go. Either your formatted file is formatted exactly right for import OR…

The holiday season is ramping up and so are the hackers. They know how much we all need to get done before year-end; they also know that we’re working quickly, and there’s a better chance a hack will be successful. So before doing anything else, review three easy security tips—then go implement them.

It is important to understand that different people are motivated by different things and it’s likely you have a mix of personalities on your accounting team. Each type of employee…