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*This blog is part of the May 2023 Thought Leader newsletter Happy May! Hopefully, you’ve taken a well-deserved post-tax season break and have returned to the office feeling refreshed and…

A holistic approach is what’s needed to run a modern accounting firm today. Getting it right is like building a puzzle. Clients expect a cohesive and simple experience. Your team…

*This blog is part of the April 2023 Thought Leader newsletter Humans have an inherent need for control and certainty. We thrive when life goes according to plan and rely on…

*This blog is part of the April 2023 Thought Leader newsletter Out with old, in with the new? Not so fast. Author Scott Adams said, “Normal people believe that if it…

*This blog is part of the April 2023 Thought Leader newsletter ‘Aristophanes’ didn’t work for Felix Unger when The Odd Couple crossed paths with TV game show mainstay “Password” in…

*This blog is part of the April 2023 Thought Leader newsletter Not to date myself, but as someone who’s been around the accounting profession for more than three decades, I…

*This blog is part of the March 2023 Thought Leader newsletter We know it’s a busy time of year for everyone, so this month we’re re-running one of Darren’s most popular…

*This blog is part of the March 2023 Thought Leader newsletter It’s busy season for most firms—and many heads are down and deep into the work. After the tax deadline, firms…

*This blog is part of the March 2023 Thought Leader newsletter Maybe people should have seen this coming back in 1968, when the HAL 9000 computer from the movie “2001:…

*This blog is part of the March 2023 Thought Leader newsletter We had an interesting question during an interview this week. A little background first: The recruiting and interview process…

*This blog is part of the March 2023 Thought Leader newsletter During tax season, your accounting firm may find it challenging to balance your daily responsibilities with seeking out new…

The new year is a time for reflection, evaluation and goal setting. Do you find yourself brushing that off and thinking, “With all of the meetings on my calendar, when…