
tax season

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We have finished up sponsoring the 2018 Avalara Crush event. The information filled sessions presented a wide range of content from blockchain technology, to the future of AvaTax, to discussion…

Pete has been a good friend of mine for many years.  We used to go to summer camp together and we kept in touch. Now he’s an attorney in Philadelphia…

Hopefully, your tax season went 100 percent smooth. No deadlines were missed. No mistakes were made. All of your employees were happy and found plenty of time to spend with…

Office workers are so 2017. Are the downloads in your office taking a little longer lately? Accounting professionals will deal with an influx in employee head count as they onboard…

Tax season is officially here.  With the new Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) bill now law, accounting professionals around the states are adjusting their practices. The bill is the…

With the busy season rapidly approaching, now is a great time for firms to review their tax production processes and tune them up to be optimally prepared for the opportunities…

Consultants began introducing Lean Six Sigma (LSS) principles to the accounting profession more than a decade ago, which has helped foster improvements in production processes throughout every department within accounting…

In our Lean Six Sigma consulting within CPA tax practices, we sometimes find that firms that have transitioned to a paperless environment in a piecemeal fashion actually became less efficient…

Your firm went paperless for tax processing a long time ago, but are you really taking advantage of the digital tools and production processes that have evolved since then? Many…