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A data loss disaster could shut a business down for good…unless they have a disaster recovery plan in place. Learn what disaster recovery is, why it’s crucial to your business’s longevity and how to begin building yours.

Security champion Molly Gallaher Boddy shares the components of a solid security strategy for accounting firms to focus on for the future.

A cyberattack can put your whole operation in peril. That’s why cybersecurity is so difficult to manage…and also so important. It’s a constant battle—one you can’t afford to lose.   You…

Your job becomes more challenging when essential applications aren’t cloud-based. You may be surprised to discover the benefits of the cloud for accounting firms and how the cloud can help…

*This blog is part of the September Thought Leader newsletter. For decades, it was head lice. The warning would go out every September: “It’s back to school time, and some…

If cybersecurity isn’t embedded in your firm’s culture, you’re putting your firm at risk. Security can’t be merely a part of your IT operation if you have one. It has…

As an accounting professional, you’re probably aware that next week marks the deadline to put updated provisions of the Federal Trade Commission Safeguards Rule into effect. It’s also likely that…

Wondering how to get your team excited about participating in security awareness training? Curious about how advances in technology will benefit your firm in the long run? Or, are you…

Remember the term, internet speed? Back in the late ’90s, many observers used that term to describe the new, rapid pace of business. Email and instant messaging became standards at…

“Oh, they’re busy. I’ll wait to cyberattack them until after tax season,” said no hacker ever.  Hacking runs rampant every tax season. But this busy season was one for the…

What are the best application security tools? It’s a combination of tools, really.  To batten down the digital hatches—and ensure your applications are secure—you need to be using:  Multifactor authentication …

Cybersecurity is never static. Threats change rapidly, and so do best practices for online security. Firms that aren’t dynamic in the way they handle security leave themselves open to attacks….