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This blog is part of the August Thought Leader newsletter. As I tried to figure out what to write for this month’s Thought Leader, it occurred to me that we’ve…

Tax season can be the most endless, time-consuming and stressful time of year for tax professionals nationwide. Hours of the day become booked with heavier workloads, leading to less sleep…

Busy season is right around the corner. And while we don’t suggest implementing new automation tools or changing an accounting process during tax season, there’s still time right now to…

It’s that time of year to create your accounting New Year’s resolutions for 2023! What should be at the top of your list for the new year? Outsource more tasks….

Do you know how to automate your business in the new year? AI. Algorithms. Virtual reality. Machine learning. Robotics. Autonomous vehicles. As small business owners, we hear these terms but…

Automation is a word that inspires both fear and hope in accountants. The rapid evolution of technology over the last couple of decades has led many in the profession to…

Firms are making plans to embrace automation, but the concept is still a little fuzzy in the accounting profession. What does automation mean for accounting firms, anyway? Is there such…

Accounting automation: Two simple words that can evoke fear inside an accounting firm. Instead of letting the fear of automation hold you back, embrace it and use it to help…

Your accounting firm needs to continue to develop client accounting and advisory services (CAAS). And it all starts in the cloud.

What does dinner have to do with Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence? the level of importance they have in your mind. If you have a relatively standard eating cycle, eating dinner…