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The Right Networks team hit the road to participate in AccountingWEB’s first LIVE Summit Conference in San Diego, CA. In addition to attending key sessions and meeting with hundreds of…

How Small-Business Owners can Benefit from Strong Client Relationships with Accountants One of the biggest complaints small-business owners have about their accounting firms is that accountants don’t develop client relationships…

Accounting firms continue to move critical business applications to the cloud and off in-house servers, the CPAFMA Digital Survey revealed…

What Is a Digitally-driven Firm? To help define what it means to be a “digitally-driven firm,” let’s go back in time… In March 2020, most businesses transitioned to remote work…

Accounting hardware trends and consumer technology trends that every accounting firm should be monitoring. Start improving your day-to-day with highlights from the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2022 today!

Last week, Roman Kepczyk participated in CPA Practice Advisor’s Ensuring Success event alongside thought leaders David Cieslak and Eric McMillen. The main topic of the day? Accounting firm security. Get the wrap-up of the discussion, and find out what you can do to become a more secure firm now.

Like most small business owners, Susan (not her real name) juggled a lot … and sometimes things would get missed. We can all relate to that. But in this case, the “missed thing” almost cost Susan everything. Read her cautionary tale.

The accounting blog surveyors are surveying; the data is pouring in. Leaders are beginning to make decisions about whether or not they will allow employees to choose their own schedules or continue to work from home. Dive into the statistics here.

The changin’ times will keep on changin’. Luckily, this month was all about how accounting professionals can adapt to those changes in a more manageable way. Get the latest accounting news, resources and more, here.

In part 4 of our Lean Six Sigma (LSS) webinar series, The Road Trip to Productivity: Lean Firm Administration and Management, learn how to improve administrative processes and how to turn these process improvements into client advisory services.

Register for part 3 of our Lean Six Sigma (LSS) webinar series, The Road Trip to Productivity: Lean Assurance and Accounting, to learn how to apply modern solutions to decades-old assurance processes in today’s hybrid-remote culture.

While many of us are concerned about the “new normal” right now, the reality is that technological change and innovation are accelerating and will create a string of “new normals” (cloud hosting, application integrations) that firms will have to adapt to in the future. And those that do so effectively will be…