
The surprising link between cybersecurity and employee retention

Curious how cybersecurity impacts employee retention? Learn why strong cybersecurity measures help boost morale, trust and job satisfaction.

minute read

Last Updated September 26, 2024

Category Cybersecurity

A bearded man with glasses smiles as he sits in front of a laptop because his company recognizes the link between cybersecurity and employee retention


Did you know that one out of every seven employees experiences trauma symptoms months after a cyberattack? This includes trouble sleeping, back pain and anxiety…just to name a few. 

This shocking statistic from Northwave underscores the critical importance of cybersecurity—not just for protecting assets but also for fostering a positive workplace culture. When your business prioritizes cybersecurity, you not only shield your sensitive data but you also enhance employee satisfaction and retention. Let’s explore how these elements are intricately linked and why investing in cybersecurity is a win-win for both your company and your employees.

Let’s go… 

Understanding the connection between cybersecurity and employee satisfaction 

An image that reads: 1 out of every 7 employees experiences trauma symptoms months after a cyberattack.

We all know there’s nothing good about a cyberattack. And studies continue to show the rise and risk of cybercrimes…and the ever-growing target on small businesses. In fact, 61% of small businesses experienced a cyberattack in the past year, according to BlackFog’s research study. 

This same study found that 58% of those small business cyberattack victims faced business downtime, and nearly 40% lost customer data. 

The fallout from cyberattacks 

Cyberattacks can have devastating consequences for small businesses, leading to significant legal implications, reputational damage and financial loss. These are the impacts we hear the most about. But let’s look at things from a different angle. 

Imagine that a company has just suffered a data breach. The headlines scream of compromised customer data…and trust in the company plummets. Obviously, this fallout can result in a loss of customers and a dip in sales, but it doesn’t stop there. The long-term effects ripple through the organization, affecting employee morale and confidence in leadership. When employees see their employers struggling to recover from a cyber incident, they may feel insecure about their own jobs and the company’s future. 

The psychological impact on employees 

Cyberattacks don’t just threaten a company’s bottom line; they also affect the psychological well-being of the company’s employees. When a business faces a breach, employees often feel a profound sense of insecurity and stress, which can lead to decreased trust in the organization. 

Knowing this only solidifies the urgent need for robust cybersecurity measures to protect not just your data, but also the mental health of your employees. 

Why cybersecurity matters for employee retention 

Over half of office workers admit they would reconsider their employment if their company recently suffered a breach. 

If you want to keep your employees, you have to prioritize cybersecurity and take steps to ensure your staff feels protected and secure. Facing a cyberattack can be so unsettling for employees that, according to another study, over half of office workers admit they would reconsider their employment if their company recently suffered a breach. Only about a third said they would be unaffected. 

Trust and confidence 

Strong cybersecurity measures are crucial for building trust and confidence—not only for your customers, but also among employees. When your employees know that you take data protection seriously, they are more likely to feel secure in their roles. As a result, this fosters trust and a positive work environment, which is essential for high employee retention rates. Research shows that organizations that prioritize cybersecurity see a marked increase in employee loyalty since they feel valued and protected. 

Job satisfaction 

The link between cybersecurity and job satisfaction cannot be ignored. When employees feel informed, empowered and safe at work, it directly correlates to job satisfaction. Organizations that proactively build a healthy cybersecurity culture through education and incident response and awareness training can foster trust and engagement among employees. Creating a secure environment helps your employees better focus on their work, armed with the knowledge they need to be your first line of defense. 

Retention strategies 

Consider this: One in five employees impacted by a breach has considered a job change, according to research by Northwave 

Investing in cybersecurity should be a key component of any employee retention strategy. When organizations allocate resources to bolster their cybersecurity efforts, they signal to employees that their safety and well-being are top priorities. An investment in cybersecurity will not only help you retain existing talent but also attract new employees who value a secure workplace. 

Steps to prevent cyberattacks and enhance employee satisfaction 

An image that lists five steps to bolster cybersecurity and enhance job satisfaction.

While financial, legal and reputational risks are understandably top of mind when it comes to a business’s approach to cybersecurity, the emotional impact a cyberattack can have on employees should not be ignored. After all, emotions can play a big part in what drives employees. How they feel affects their productivity and job satisfaction…and ultimately dictates how long they stay at a job. And while you cannot control the emotions of your employees, you can help manage their experiences 

So, let’s look at a few steps you can take to ensure your employees have positive experiences when it comes to their confidence and preparedness in the company’s cybersecurity efforts. 

Step 1: Implement strong cybersecurity policies and response plans 

Every business needs fundamental cybersecurity policies in place to mitigate risks. Such policies should include password management protocols, data encryption standards and access control measures. Depending on the industry, you may also have legal compliance obligations to meet.  

If you want your employees prepared to ride the emotional waves of a cyberattack, you need an incident response plan. And this plan needs to be thorough and rehearsed. These measures can help create a secure work environment, build employees confidence and reinforce the company’s commitment to data security. 

Step 2: Provide regular security awareness training 

Ongoing security awareness training programs are essential for keeping employees informed about cyberthreats. Nearly 75% of all data breaches include a human element, such as an employee clicking on a malicious link in an email. That’s why regular training sessions are so important. Equipping your staff with the knowledge they need to recognize phishing attempts, social engineering tactics and other potential risks will help your employees feel more competent and secure in their roles. 

Step 3: Involve employees in cybersecurity initiatives 

Involving employees in the formation and implementation of cybersecurity practices can yield significant benefits. When employees have the opportunity to participate in discussions about cybersecurity measures, they feel a sense of ownership and responsibility. This involvement can lead to a more engaged workforce that is more proactive about safeguarding the company’s data. Empowering employees in this way ultimately contributes to a more secure and satisfying work environment. 

Step 4: Use advanced cybersecurity tools 

Advanced cybersecurity tools are critical for preventing cyberattacks. Companies can benefit from employing sophisticated software that monitors network activity, detects anomalies and protects against breaches. For example, tools like intrusion detection systems and endpoint security solutions can significantly enhance a company’s defenses. By investing in such technologies, you can protect your data and reassure employees that they’re working in a secure environment. 

Step 5: Trust the experts 

If you want to really give your employees peace of mind about working in a secure environment, you need to trust the experts. Cybersecurity is complex, and it’s always evolving—at an alarming rate, in fact. This makes it nearly impossible for non-experts to manage effectively. The specialized knowledge, advanced technology and tools needed to handle cybersecurity properly are often too costly for most small businesses. One of the best decisions you can make is to work with a reputable cloud provider that offers a layered security solution to protect your business-critical data 24/7. Hello, peace of mind. 

Cybersecurity: A key ingredient for a happy and engaged staff 

A woman sits in front of a laptop looking content because she knows her employer prioritizes cybersecurity.
Prioritizing cybersecurity can enhance job satisfaction and employee retention.

The connection between cybersecurity and employee satisfaction is undeniable. The fallout from cyberattacks can have lasting effects on a company’s financials, reputation and employee morale. By prioritizing cybersecurity, your business can build trust, enhance job satisfaction and improve employee retention rates. By implementing strong policies, conducting regular training, involving employees in cybersecurity initiatives and working with experts, you can take essential steps to prevent cyberattacks. 

If you’re unsure of where to start or you’re ready to prioritize cybersecurity in your business, Rightworks can help. Schedule a call with one of our technology advisors today. It’s time to show your employees that creating a work environment where they feel secure is important to you. 

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