
Accounting firm improvement

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One million dollars. (Cue Austin Powers’ nemesis, Dr. Evil.) Some firms surpassed that number a long time ago and have set a new goal of $2.5 million. For other firms,…

*This blog is part of the July 2023 Thought Leader newsletter “It takes money to make money,” they say. On most fronts, ‘they’ are correct, but the handy-dandy internet offers…

*This blog is part of the July 2023 Thought Leader newsletter Business development is a common goal for firms once busy season ends. Each summer, firm owners and their teams…

It’s no secret that staffing is a massive issue for accounting firms—and it’s not likely to become easier anytime soon. If your firm is like most others, it’s difficult both…

*This blog is part of the June 2023 Thought Leader newsletter In May, I attended our first-ever in-person Empower conference in Denver, Colorado. A recurring theme I heard throughout the…

In part one of this two-part series, I talked about how you can implement our first two smart pillars: Smart Firm Management and Smart Client Management. Applying these two concepts…

The traditional accounting business model is no longer adequate to support a highly profitable and sustainable firm. The old ways of taking on any client who walks through the door;…

Many accounting firms are ready to take the first step toward becoming a modern firm…but are overwhelmed with where to start. Stop me if these scenarios don’t apply to you:…

*This blog is part of the May 2023 Thought Leader newsletter Even when one tax season is better than the season before, it’s still easy to think of all the…

*This blog is part of the May 2023 Thought Leader newsletter The post-tax-season tax glow is shining bright. You have renewed energy to work on your firm. You’re rolling up…

*This blog is part of the May 2023 Thought Leader newsletter I got a call not long ago from the local hospital. My mom, who is in her late 70s,…

*This blog is part of the May 2023 Thought Leader newsletter Happy May! Hopefully, you’ve taken a well-deserved post-tax season break and have returned to the office feeling refreshed and…