Kiara Williams


Kiara Williams

Where to begin with this bio—My enthusiasm for LEGO kits? The collection of semi-complete art projects stacked in my office? Or how about my love of all things Harry Potter? Well, in a nutshell, that's me.

But while building, crafting and learning about witchcraft and wizardry ultimately create my off-hour hobby carousel, I dedicate work time to writing for Rightworks and the accounting profession. My ultimate goal? Produce quality content (for the profession supporting us all) that does more than inform—it entertains.

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Posts by Kiara Williams

What exactly is a WISP, why do you need one, and what should it include? All that and more, here.

Put your cybersecurity knowledge to the test with this interactive assessment designed to strengthen your firm’s security posture.

What is MFA and why does your accounting firm need it? Learn how MFA compliance adds crucial security layers to protect your firm’s sensitive client data.

Check out these top-rated books that accounting and finance professionals are finding the most useful and entertaining.

Phishing attacks prey on human emotions like fear, urgency, and distraction. By staying alert, following security protocols, and encouraging a culture of healthy skepticism, you can protect your firm and your clients’ data from this pervasive threat. Learn how, here.

Ready for tax season? Learn how to make your busiest time of the year a lot less stressful.

Learn what cloud technology is, how it works, and if it’s the right solution for your accounting firm or small business, here.

Power up your accounting firm with tax technology that drives results. Learn which essential apps you need for a successful 2025 tax season.

Learn the 10 essential accounting KPIs your firm should track—from revenue metrics to leadership benchmarks—and start improving your firm’s performance today.

What is application security? And how do you make sure you’re doing everything to keep your apps safe? All that (plus five key strategies for keeping your apps safe) here.

Ransomware attacks are a significant threat to businesses. Learn how to protect your data and operations with effective prevention strategies and response plans.

Explore competing opinions on cloud security, if moving your apps to a cloud provider is safe and the most important aspect of secure cloud adoption.