Emily Frels


Emily Frels

As a proud University of Georgia alum who did not major in her current career whatsoever (and now lives in the snow globe that is Minnesota), I get to create fun and educational content for accounting firms and small businesses, fitting in as many Harry Potter references as I can.

When I’m not writing to pay the bills, you’ll find me traveling with my husband to college football games (Go dawgs! Sic ’em!), reeling in largemouth bass at our cabin, planning extravagant ways to show off my passion for all things Harry Potter, starting new projects around the house while current ones sit at 95% completion, getting my hands on as many LEGOs as I can, and being on the right side of the Oxford comma debate.

Posts by Emily Frels

We’re living in a time of monumental change—a time that will be reviewed and studied well into the future. How should we be thinking about it and what’s to come…

“What would they like best? A gift card? Or wait, what about a company outing? No, maybe a stainless-steel water bottle with our firm’s logo—but this time, we include their…

There are many advantages to hiring remote employees. In this blog post, we talk about the 3 benefits of hiring remote workers.

Cyberattacks Have Been Rising at an Alarming Rate Over the Past Couple of Years Not only that, but cybercriminals can penetrate 93% of company networks. Is your business susceptible? The…