
Considering outsourced accounting? Here’s how to make it work.

Outsourcing your accounting work doesn’t just make your staff happier—it can also earn you more money. Learn how to do it, and do it right, here.

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Last Updated September 6, 2024

Image of interconnected people, representing outsourced accounting work


Accounting professionals understand that the staffing challenge is real. Regulations are getting tougher, clients’ needs are constantly changing and technology is moving at lightning speed.

Arguably, one of the biggest challenges is retaining highly skilled professionals. In fact, according to the AICPA’s PCPS (private companies practice section) “Top Issues” survey, accounting firms with two or more employees listed “finding qualified staff” as their top issue.

Graphic of AICPA Top Issues survey
Finding qualified staff is among the top issues of accounting firms with two or more employees, according to the AICPA’s PCPS Top Issues survey.

So, what’s the solution? Outsourcing your accounting work might be the golden ticket you’re looking for.

5 benefits of outsourcing for accounting firms

1. Specialized talent

Outsourcing provides access to a larger pool of candidates with specific skills and expertise. Whether it’s tax preparation, financial analysis or bookkeeping, outsourcing supports identifying the right talent when you need it.

2. Increased efficiency

By outsourcing time-consuming, repetitive tasks, your staff can focus on higher-value activities like client relationship building, strategic planning and business advisory services.

Graphic with an example of how outsourcing accounting work led to a 25% revenue increase for a New York-based accounting firm.

3. Cost reduction

Who doesn’t love saving money? Outsourced accounting can significantly cut your expenses for salaries, benefits and office space. Plus, you can avoid costs associated with recruiting, training and onboarding new employees.

4. Scalability

Outsourcing allows you to adjust staffing levels based on your workload. Busy season? No problem. You can scale up quickly. Slower periods? Scale back and save costs.

Graphic with an example of how outsourcing accounting work led to a 20% new client increase for a Dallas-based accounting firm.

5. Risk mitigation

By outsourcing non-core functions, risks related to employee turnover, economic downturns and regulatory changes are significantly reduced. Established outsourcing providers have strong processes and systems in place to handle these challenges.

How to overcome accounting outsourcing challenges

While outsourcing your accounting work has tons of benefits, there are potential challenges that need to be addressed to ensure a smooth transition.

Graphic with essential questions to ask yourself if you're outsourcing accounting work.

Thinking about outsourcing your accounting? Here are four key questions to consider:

1. Have I taken the time to find the right provider?

Choosing the right outsourcing partner is crucial. Evaluate providers based on their expertise, security and communication skills. Discuss options with peer groups, get recommendations and consider pilot projects to see how they perform.

2. How can I ensure data security?

Protecting sensitive client information is non-negotiable. Choose your accounting outsourcing provider with strong security measures to safeguard data. Make sure they comply with data protection regulations and have protocols to prevent breaches and data loss.

Ask about their data encryption practices, access controls and certifications like ISO 9001:2015 and 27001.

3. How can I foster effective communication?

Set clear expectations, define roles and establish regular communication channels.

Stay connected by using a tool like:

4. How do I manage change?

Implementing outsourcing can mean a lot of change. Develop a comprehensive change management plan to address employee concerns, minimize disruptions and ensure a smooth transition. Engage your team early in the process and provide support to help them adapt.

4 tips for a successful outsourcing partnership

Graphic with 4 essential partnership tips displayed.

1. Define your needs clearly

Clearly outline specific tasks or functions to outsource. This helps identify the right outsourcing partner and sets expectations for the scope of work. Detailed job descriptions and requirements ensure the provider understands your needs and delivers.

2. Set expectations and metrics

Chart out clear performance metrics, goals and service level agreements with your outsourcing partner. Alignment ensures both parties work towards the same objectives. Regular performance reviews and feedback sessions help keep the partnership on track and address any issues promptly.

3. Build strong relationships

Foster open and honest communication with your outsourcing provider. Building a strong relationship based on trust and transparency enhances collaboration and drives better outcomes.

4. Monitor performance regularly

Assess your outsourcing partner’s performance regularly and adjust as needed. Provide and seek regular feedback and track KPIs to identify areas for improvement.

Performance dashboards and regular reporting provide valuable insights into the outsourcing arrangement’s efficiency and effectiveness.

Take your first step…

Do not let staffing shortages and operational inefficiencies hold your firm back. Embrace the power of outsourcing to unlock your firm’s full potential. It’s time to take the first step and experience the transformative impact outsourcing offers.

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